I am a wrestling fan! Professional wrestling is the most entertaining stuff on television! The picture is of my favorite wrestler, Chris Jericho! Y2J, The King of Bling Bling, The Ayatollah of Rock and Rollah! We get together as a family and watch it every monday and friday. WWE Raw and Smackdown. Thursday nights we watch TNA Impact, another wrestling show! I never get tired of it. I know some people will say wrestling is fake, but they are wrong. Yeah the action in the ring is scripted, they have storyline writers. Anybody who says its fake needs to go in the ring with some of those guys. Those men and women put their bodies on the line to entertain me. Though it is scripted it is also very physical and they do get hurt, sometimes severely. Kurt Angle, a wrestler, got injured during a match, he kept wrestling for the fans. I respect them for their sacrifice for my entertainment.
My other addiction is video games! Violent games are the best! I love clubbing people in the head at a crosswalk, I'm talking Grand Theft Auto! Please dont blame violent behaviour on video games, blame the parents. I wont go off on that tyrade, thats for another day. I love all kinds of games tho. Racing games, puzzle games, RPGs, Final Fantasy games, War games, my current favorite is a tie between Grand Theft Auto Vice City and Star Wars Battlefront 2.

My other other addiction is Chiaki Kuriyama! I first saw her in Kill Bill. There is something sexy about those knee socks. As you can probably tell I made this collage as an homage to hotness. I'll let the pictures do the talking.
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