My mom. What can I say, I love her. She gave me the best life she could. I have so many memories, where to begin. Well how about the time we vacationed in Florida. I got sun burned really bad, like horribly. My loving mother thought that it would feel good on my sunburn to splash around in the ocean. Remember, I love my mom, but she was wrong, that salty ocean water burned so bad all I could do was scream! People walking by on the beach looked at me like I was a retard afraid of the water. They had no idea I was screaming in pain, neither did my mother. I look back at that and laugh. I remember when the Fox River froze, the ice had began to break up, we walked along the shore. It sounded like a thousand tinking wine glasses. I will never forget that sound. My mom and I walked that shore a good long while, we found this huge block of ice that had been pushed on the land by the floe. We tried to push it back in the river but it was too heavy. There were a lot of moments like that, mom and I exploring. We also walked that riverbank looking for a dead body. Yeah, there was a girl who went missing one year, my mom being an amateur sleuth decided we should go look for her. We never found any bodies, thank God. My mom and I once discovered this hill that was wooded and it led up to train tracks, but the hill side was littered with old bottles and miscellaneous castoffs from many years. We found old Aurora brewery bottles, and I found one of the old ceramic bottle caps from the old Aurora brewery. I still have that little treasure today. If you cant tell I grew up in Aurora, Il. When they dammed the river to build the riverboat casinos, mom and I snuck over the fence and walked around on the river bed, I found an old bottle still corked. It has a giraffe on the side, I assume some sort of throat medicine or mouthwash. That was an experience I'll never forget. Not to mention that my boss, who lived across the street from that spot in the Leland Tower, saw me. Caught in the act. Back when I had graduated the sixth grade from Allen School, we took a field trip to Springfield. I came home and told my mom how great it was and I was disappointed that we didnt get to see everything. My mom planned a weekend trip for us to Springfield. I think she just wanted to see all the cool stuff I was telling her about. We had a lot of fun, we hit every museum in that town. The only bad part was the trying to sleep in a hotel room in downtown Springfield. Sirens and screeching tires all night long. I could go on and on, thanks to my mom I have a memory full of adventures. Thank You Mom!
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